All Access Membership 500 DB Cash - FAQ
How do I claim my 500 DB cash each month?
You will need to log into any eligible Daybreak Game (EverQuest, EverQuest 2, PlanetSide 2, and DC Universe Online) to claim your monthly cash. Use the claim button located in the Marketplace/Depot to claim the Daybreak Cash. Once you have claimed it, the Daybreak Cash will be added to your Account’s Wallet balance.
How will I know when my 500 DB cash grant is available or if it has been claimed already?
Each game will have a UI feature on the Marketplace screen to inform you when your next 500 Daybreak Cash reward is available or what date your current DB cash will expire. The countdown timer is to the millisecond of when you purchased the membership, so even though there is a date, the time might vary. It’s best to try waiting up to one day after your claim date for it to become available, but if you still can’t claim it after that, contact support and we’d be happy to help you!
If I miss a month, can I still claim my DB cash grant?
You must log in monthly to claim your free Daybreak Cash before the claim window expires. Once the claim window expires, it cannot be retroactively granted to an account. Be sure to log in monthly to claim your free Daybreak Cash!