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How Do I Repair or Uninstall the Game?

If you are having trouble with repairing or uninstalling the game, here are a few tips.

Repairing the Game Installation

If your installation is corrupt, you may need to repair the installation before you can continue.

Still can't install? Try uninstalling the program and starting over.

For more help, check out these Microsoft Support articles:

Uninstalling the Game

If the game will not uninstall, make sure to try the repair the installation first.

Also, you can always try manually deleting the game folder as well. The default installation location will vary depending on how the game was installed. The default locations are listed below:


Windows 10 Location:
C:\Users\Public\Daybreak Game Company\Installed Games\[Daybreak Game Title] <-- DELETE THIS FOLDER

Steam Location:
C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\[Daybreak Game Title] <-- DELETE THIS FOLDER

Need more help? Please visit the following Microsoft Support article for advanced assistance.