What are the common/top issues in DC Universe Online?
Top Known Issues for DC Universe Online
This article will serve as a central reference point for current and ongoing in-game, technical and account-related issues.
PS4 Missing Marketplace Cash or Legendary status
If you recently purchased Marketplace Cash or a Legendary subscription and have not received it yet, please be aware that it may not automatically update. Legendary status and Marketplace Cash may take up to 24 hours. Try logging out of the game completely for 15 minutes and then check to see if it updates. If not, please open a support ticket: https://help.daybreakgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/218172118.
PSN: Did Not Receive Legendary Status
When purchasing a membership on the PSN, the membership entitlement may time out based on how busy the PSN is. Don't fear though, if you log completely out of both DCUO and the PlayStation Network and remain offline for 5 minutes, when you log back in the membership entitlement will be resent. This issue resolves itself 100% of the time and there is unfortunately no way for a Daybreak Games employee to force the entitlement to be resent.
Membership/Loyalty: I Did Not Get My Replay Badges / Loyalty Rewards
Once you have ensure that your billing is set to recurring, please check your actual subscription date. Nearly all of these cases are actually not bugs, but simply subscription dates that have not yet been eclipsed again. You should receive them once a month and usually (but not always) it’s on the same date each month. For more information on loyalty points/replay badges, go here: https://help.daybreakgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/231254288.
Marketplace, Accidental Purchases and Buyer's Remorse
Customer service cannot assist with any Marketplace purchases that have not failed (i.e. accidental purchases or buyer’s remorse). If you succeed in purchasing anything; an item, character slot, bank slot, replay badges, etc., the purchase is final. Please review your purchase before you confirm it and research what you are purchasing before finalizing the purchase to be 100% sure you are getting what you want.
Item Restoration and Item Exchanges
Please be aware that customer service will only restore items lost due to major service outages that result in character rollbacks. All other lost/deleted/sold/salvaged items will need to be regained through normal game mechanics. Any accidentally purchased items, or items that you dislike cannot be exchanged. Anything you purchase is final, so please take a moment to ensure you are buying exactly what you want.
We now have a feature in-game that allows you to purchase any of the last 20 items you’ve deleted for 100 Daybreak Cash/Marketplace Cash. Select the green trash can in your inventory to get started.
Deleted Characters
Please take the utmost care when deleting your character. If you delete the wrong character customer service will not be able to restore it. If a character is deleted the only option is to start a new character or use the Restore Character option. Characters can be restored for 500 Daybreak Cash/Marketplace Cash using the character restore option.
There are some cases where characters were deleted due to crossplay. If you are certain you didn’t delete your characters, please contact customer service so we can help.
Missions / Tasks / Feats
Please be aware that customer service will no longer update any mission, task, or feat that you may be having issues with. We suggest searching community sites and asking other community members about the issue to ensure you are doing it correctly. If you believe the mission, task, or feat is bugged you may want to post on the forums or report it on the Community Bug Tracker Site here: https://dgcissuetracker.com/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=11111.
Respec Tokens (Power/Body/Movement)
Be sure to be extremely careful when using a token to adjust your character. Any modification made to your character with power, body, or movement tokens are final. They will not be changed by customer service. If you are unhappy with the results of your modifications you will need to purchase a new token to revert the changes.
Stuck Character
If your character has become physically stuck in the game please use the warp to headquarters/base/rally function built into the game. If that fails, please contact customer service and we will log into the character to move it to your rally point, headquarters, or base.
Character Transfers & PSG Migrations
DC Universe Online currently has no character transfer service. Unfortunately there is no manual counterpart for this either. If you wish to play on another server you will need to makea new character.
PSG Migrations have also ended. We have extended the dead line multiple times. If you have not yet migrated your account we welcome you to start a new account to play DCUO with. All old PSG accounts became unrecoverable as of 1/31/2015.
Name Changes
If you wish to change your characters name you will need to purchase a rename token from the Marketplace. Please be aware that if you choose a character name that violates our naming policy it will be changed to a random name. If you dislike the name you are given you will need to purchase a rename token.
If your league has a name that violates our naming policies one of two actions will be taken. For league names that are a minor violation the league name will be changed by customer service, to a new and final name, without any notice. For league names that are an extreme violation of our policies (Note: A few examples are hate speech / extreme sexual slurs) the league will be disbanded. Disbanded leagues will lose every item in their league hall, nothing will be restored. Choose your names wisely!
League Leadership
Customer service cannot assist in changing the leadership of a league. At times all the league leaders may stop playing. If that happens we suggest you try to contact your leaders outside of the game or to simply make a new league.
Reward Mail Delays
Some customers may not have received their rewards for investigations, briefings, or collections right away. Please wait at least an hour for incoming mail regarding any rewards you should have received from these tasks. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Accidental Use of Replay Badges
Please make sure the correct instance is selected before spending Replay Badges to unlock it as Customer Service will not be able to refund Replay Badges.
Reporting Rule Violations
If you come across another player breaking the rules, please report it by opening a support ticket with customer service. Be sure to put the category under “Report another player” so we can check into it right away. Our rules can be found here: https://help.daybreakgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/231138488.
My account is suspended or banned
If your account is suspended or banned, you violated our rules of conduct. If you’re not sure about the reason or need more information, go here: https://help.daybreakgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/217509308.