How do I claim my monthly Legendary member rewards?
How do DC Universe Online members receive the monthly Legendary rewards?
All PC, PS3/PS4, Switch, and Xbox Legendary members are granted 500 Loyalty Points (PSN/Switch/Xbox) or 500 Daybreak Cash (PC), and 150 Replay Badges each month as long as they maintain their Legendary membership. PC customers can claim their Daybreak Cash ingame from The Marketplace – there is an orange claim button at the top right corner. Please keep in mind that it will expire if not claimed within 30 days. PS3/PS4, Switch, and Xbox Legendary members will automatically be granted the Loyalty reward each month upon logging into the game.
NOTE: Members will need to log in each month in order to receive their Legendary rewards grant. The Legendary rewards, including replay badges, may be granted on different days depending on several factors, such as membership purchase date and the last time the account was granted rewards. You will not be able to receive your rewards more than once every month.
What will happen to players’ accounts and Loyalty Points/Daybreak Cash if their Legendary Memberships lapse?
If players’ recurring Legendary Memberships lapse, they will move to Premium Access and lose all the benefits that come with being Legendary, but they would keep any granted Loyalty Points/Daybreak Cash/Replay Badges they have accumulated, and of course anything they have purchased separately.
What if players renew their lapsed Legendary Memberships?
If players renew their lapsed Legendary Memberships with a recurring monthly membership, they would immediately receive their monthly Loyalty Points/Daybreak Cash and then would continue to receive them every month as long as they maintain a membership.
What is the difference between a recurring and a non-recurring Legendary Membership?
A recurring Legendary Membership will automatically renew at the end of its cycle instead of expiring, while a non-recurring Legendary Membership will not.
Do non-recurring Legendary Memberships come with the monthly 500 Loyalty Points/Daybreak Cash?
Yes. Both recurring and non-recurring Legendary Memberships receive the Loyalty Points/Daybreak Cash.
Will I receive 500 Loyalty Points/Daybreak Cash if I cancel my Legendary membership and renew it immediately?
Loyalty Points/Daybreak Cash are only granted once per month per account; canceling the recurring Legendary membership may in fact delay the next grant.