What are my league management options?
There are several different aspects of league management that the leader will have control over: some of these can also be assigned to other ranks to handle as the leader sees fit.
MOTD - Message of the Day
The MOTD is a message that can be set to echo to all league members when they enter the game. While the MOTD can be used for just about anything, they are typically used to announce upcoming events or league information, like addresses for forums, websites or social/voice servers.
The MOTD can be set by the league leader; the leader can also give other ranks permission to set it. To set, simply type in the message you want to use in the MOTD text box, and click the 'Save' button at the bottom of the League Management screen to finalize your changes.
Rank Properties / Permissions
Each rank in a league can be given custom permission settings for a number of different capabilities - these can be set or altered by the league leader, or any rank that's been given the ability to change permissions. To change settings for a rank..
- Click on the desired rank in the list, located in the lower left part of the League Management window.
- Once a rank has been selected, toggle the permissions you want the rank to have; these are listed in the lower right part of the window.
- Once your selections are complete, click on the 'Save' button to commit your changes to the system.
The properties that can be changed are:
- Label: Give a custom name to each rank
- Voicechat Speak: Allow members of that rank to speak in league voicechat
- Invite member: Allow members of that rank to invite new members to the league
- Remove Member: Allows for removal of other members of the league. (must be of a lesser rank)
- Edit MOTD: Allows for editing of the Message of the Day
- Edit Permissions: Allows that rank the ability to edit the permissions of lesser rank.
Social Menu Options - (Inviting / Removing Members, Changing Ranks)
Several other guild management options are housed in the Social menu: this is brought up by clicking F4 (PC), or the left Dpad button. (PS3). Once up, select 'League'. From here, you can invite new members, remove existing members, and change the rank of online or offline members.
On this screen, you'll see several menu options:
To invite a new member, the player must be online: click 'Invite New Player', and a text box will spawn where you can enter their name, and send them an invitation message. They'll have the invitation pop up on their screen, and will be able to accept or deny it.
To remove a member, click on their name in the 'Online' or 'Offline' list of members. Select 'Remove from League' to drop the member from your league. This action is instant, and does not have a confirmation box/UI.
To change a member's rank, click on their name, and select 'Set League Rank'. Selecting the rank from the 'Set League Rank' window will immediately change their rank - there is no confirmation box/UI associated with this action. Leaders should be very careful, as it is possible to accidentally make another player leader. This is not something Customer Service can intervene or assist with if it happens.