What social options can I set in my league?
League Management - Social Options Menu
There are a number of different league-specific options and capabilities within the game's Social menu.
To open the Social menu, press F4 (PC) or the left Dpad (PS3/PS4). Once open, click on 'League' to see the first menu of options.
- League Management: brings up the League Management menu
- Invite New Player: allows members of appropriate ranks to send a league invitation to a prospective member. (this option will not show up if the your character's rank doesn't have the 'Invite Member' permission.)
- Online: shows all online members - clicking on a name will bring up additional options
- Offline: shows all offline members - clicking on a name will bring up additional options
- Leave League: allows the member to leave the league. This option is instant, and does not have a confirmation box/UI.
If you click on an online member's name, you'll be shown a menu with options specific to that member
- Set League Rank: change the rank of the selected member. (this option will not show up if the your character's rank doesn't have the 'Invite Member' permission.)
- Set Voice Volume: allows for individual volume settings for each player's voice chat
- Add Friend: adds the selected member to your Friend list
- Invite to Group: sends a group invitation to the member
- Add to Ignore: adds the selected member to your Ignore list
- Phase With: sends your character to the same phase as the selected member. (players must both be on PVP or PVE for this to work)
- Remove from League: removes the selected member from the league. This action is instant, and does not have a confirmation box/UI associated with it. (this option will not show up if the your character's rank doesn't have the 'Invite Member' permission.)
- Tell: Starts a 'tell', or instant message to the selected member
Clicking on an offline members name will show a reduced list of options, which includes Set League Rank, Set Voice Volume, Add Friend, Add to Ignore, Remove from League.