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What are the chat commands?

General Commands

/friend add <playername> - Sends a friend request to another player
/friend list - Lists all friends currently online
Squad Commands
/squad invite <playername> - Invites another player to your squad
/squad kick <playername> - Kicks a player from your squad if you have permission to do so
/squad leave - Removes you from your squad
/squad disband - Disbands your squad if you are the leader
Outfit Commands
/outfit invite <playername> - Invites a player to your outfit if you have permission to do so

Chat Commands
The portion in brackets is the minimum characters you can enter to activate the command.

[/s]quadsay - Sends a text message to your squad
[/p]latoonsay - Sends a text message to your platoon
[/o]utfitsay - Sends a text message to your outfit
[/com]mand - Sends a text message to the leadership channel. Only accessible by and visible to players with Command Comm. Channel certification
/orders - Sends a text message to the entire faction as an Order. Only available to squad and platoon leaders with Command Comm. Channel certification
[/sa]y - Sends a text message to the local area around you
[/re]gionsay - Sends a text message to all allies in your current region. Your current region is noted on the left side of the main screen above the map
[/y]ell - Sends a text message to all players in your current region. Enemies will see this message
[/t]ell <playername> - Sends a direct message to another player. You can see enemy tells
[/r]eply - Replies directly to a player that has sent you a tell