What does this G error code in Z1BR mean?
Below are causes and/or solutions for some of the most common errors that may prevent the game from launching or cause it to crash.
G1 Error
There isn't enough space on the hard drive to install Z1BR.
G2 Error
Update your video card drivers. If the issue persists, check here for the system requirements to run the game.
G3 Error
Video card may be insufficient. If updating the video card drivers doesn’t work a new video card may be necessary. Check here for the system requirements to run the game.
G4 & G5 Errors
The servers are unavailable right now, please try again in a little while.
G7 Error
This error can have multiple causes.
- Check disk space. Clear some space until at least 20GB are available.
- Uninstall and reinstall the game. A reinstall will fix any corrupted files that can keep the game from running.
G8 Error
A game file is corrupt. Uninstall and reinstall the game.
G9 Error
Log out of the game and the LaunchPad, then reopen the LaunchPad and log in again. If the error occurs repeatedly, a full uninstall and reinstall of the game may be required.
You may also want to check your firewall settings: You can find some suggestions here.
G10 Error
One or more of your game files may have become corrupted. Run the Z1BR LaunchPad and log in, but do not press play. Click on the Advanced Tools icon (looks like a gear) in the lower left and then choose the option to open game directory. In the window/folder that comes up, locate and delete the following files:
- H1Z1.exe
- UserOptions.ini
- SoundSettings.xml
- LoadingScreen.xml
- InputProfile_User.xml
- vivoxoal_x64.dll
- vivoxsdk_x64.dll
Once these files are deleted, close the Z1BR window/folder and validate your game files using the Steam client.
G11 & G12 Errors
These errors codes are the result of a generic error caused by a graphics or an interface related crash. If this issue persists please make sure that your system meets Z1BR's minimum requirements and that your current graphics drivers are up to date. In some cases this issue may require that your graphics driver be reinstalled to resolve the issue.
G13 Error
Update your video card drivers.
G14 Error
There is a temporary issue with the game servers. Please wait a few minutes and try again.
G15 Error
A firewall or virus protection program is preventing Z1BR from running. Set any firewalls and antivirus programs to allow Z1BR (specifically launchpad.exe and h1z1.exe). Find the steps to allow the game to bypass your protection programs here.
G16 Error
There is a bug with the firmware for your Netgear router, or the firmware is out of date.
G17 Error
There is a problem with your computer's video card. Please update the drivers and try again.
G18 Error
Your character failed to load. Please log out and log in again.
G19 & G20 Errors
Your computer appears to be out of video memory. Turn down the game’s graphics settings (shadows, textures, graphics quality, etc.) via the in-game settings menu.
G21 Error
Certain files have been corrupted. Uninstall and reinstall the game.
G22 Error
Z1BR cannot find certain files needed to play. Log out then log in again. If this doesn’t work, uninstall and reinstall the game.
G23 Error
There was a connection issue when downloading the needed files. Log out and log in again, or retry uninstalling and reinstalling the game.
G24 Error
There was an issue starting the game’s video. Update your video card drivers from the manufacturer's website. If that doesn’t work a new video card may be required. Check here for the system requirements to run the game.
G25 Error
Your video card had trouble initializing and may not meet the minimum requirements to run Z1BR.
Update your video card drivers from the manufacturer's website. If that doesn’t work a new video card may be required. Check here for the system requirements to run the game.
G26 & G27 Errors
Your game client is out of date and needs to be patched. Patch the game again (for early access this will require patching through Steam.)
G28 Error
The login servers are down (It's not you, it's us).
Please try again later. You can also check server status here.
Tip: If all servers have a very low population, they may have just come up or are still locked (In testing mode for Daybreak Games quality testing employees only.)
G29 Error
You do not have Z1BR access on this Daybreak Account. Click here for more information.
Usually caused by connectivity issues with Steam. Check for service updates or try back later.
G30 Error
The client failed to receive a session ID from the server. These errors are usually isolated incidents and should not be recurring. Simply close the client and open it again.
G31 Error
We're sorry, we are not able to contact Steam at this time. Also, please make sure you launch Z1BR via the Steam client.
- If you are launching Z1BR using the Steam client, then this is most likely a timeout between us and Steam to verify your features. Usually just trying again in a few moments resolves the issue.
- Also, you may want to check for maintenance (Steam as well as Z1BR specific.)
G32 Error
We're sorry, it looks like you are trying to play the game using a different Daybreak Account then what was originally used when you bought Early Access.
- You are either logged into the wrong Daybreak Account, or the wrong Steam Account.
- If you are unsure of other Daybreak Accounts, click HERE for instructions on how to recover them.
G33 Error
One or more of your game files may have become corrupted. Please validate the game assets through the Steam client. Need help on how to validate assets? Click here
G34 Error
You may need to install a missing update package from Microsoft.
G35 Error
One of the game resources failed to load. Close the game and try again.
You will need to disable proxy settings.
G37 Error
There is an issue connecting to the Login server. It may be down for maintenance, in which case please wait a minute or two and try logging in again. While this is the most common cause, there are a few other possible causes that are not on the server end of things. Please try these troubleshooting steps to resolve the problem.
G99 Error
There is an issue connecting to the login server. The login server may be down for maintenance. Please try again a little later. Be sure to check the forums for announcements on planned server shutdowns and estimated downtimes.
If there has been no notification of a server shutdown, validate your game files from the LaunchPad and make sure that H1Z1.exe and launchpad.exe are set as exceptions in your firewall/antivirus program(s). The login server may still be shut down without notification, but running through these steps will ensure that the problem is not on your end.
G202 Error
This error means that we have detected unfair play in your recent game sessions and your account is temporarily locked from play. More information can be found in the Terms of Service and Rules of Conduct. Further abuse will result in harsher penalties.