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What are the EverQuest II Rules of Conduct?

EverQuest II Rules of Conduct

The following are the basic rules of conduct that govern player interaction and activity within EverQuest II and in the official EverQuest II forums. Failure to act responsibly and comply with these rules within EverQuest II and the official EverQuest II Forums may result in the termination of your account without recompense of any kind.

  1. You may not harass or threaten other players.
  2. You may not use any sexually explicit, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive language.
  3. You may not impersonate any Daybreak Game Company LLC employee, past or present, including any Customer Support personnel.
  4. You may not violate any local, state, national or international law or regulation.
  5. You may not modify any part of the EverQuest II Client, Server or any part of the EverQuest II Web Page located at <>.
  6. You may not arrange for the exchange or transfer of any pirated or illegal software while on EverQuest II or the EverQuest II Web site.
  7. You will follow the instructions of authorized personnel while in EverQuest II or on the Official EverQuest II Forums.
  8. You may not organize nor be a member of any guilds or groups within EverQuest II that are based on, or espouse, any racist, sexist, anti-religious, anti-ethnic, anti-gay, or other hate-mongering philosophy.
  9. You may not give false information or intentionally hide any information when registering for your EverQuest II account.
  10. You will not upload or transmit on EverQuest II, or on the EverQuest II Web Site any copyrighted content that you do not own all rights to, unless you have the express written permission of the author or copyright holder.
  11. You will not attempt to interfere with, hack into, or decipher any transmissions to or from the servers running EverQuest II.
  12. You will not exploit any bug in EverQuest II and you will not communicate the existence of any such exploitable bug (bugs that grant the user unnatural or unintended benefits in game), either directly or through public posting, to any other user of EverQuest II. You will promptly report any such bug via the in-game "/bug" command. You may also report any such bugs/exploits by submitting a customer service help ticket through our in-game petition process.
  13. You will not attempt to play EverQuest II on any server that is not controlled or authorized by Daybreak Game Company LLC or its designees.
  14. You will not create, use or provide any server emulator or other site where EverQuest II may be played, and you will not post or distribute any utilities, emulators or other software tools related to EverQuest II without the express written permission of Daybreak Game Company LLC.

You may not use any software or hardware to alter game play in any way, or to gain benefits from unattended game play!

Play Nice Policies - Activity within EverQuest II

In addition to the general guidelines listed in section 1.0, players are also subject to these supplementary rules while playing EverQuest II. While by no means an all-inclusive list of the do's and don'ts in EverQuest II, it provides a suitable foundation by which the player can determine what activities are appropriate.

  1. Loot Distribution Options selected by the group leader are not contestable.
    When you join a group, be sure to check the loot options selected by the group leader. By joining the group, you agree to these options. Should the group leader change the group loot options, you will receive a notification in your chat window that states "<Group Leader Name> has changed the group options."It is your responsibility to check the group options at this time. You may leave the group should you disagree with the options selected by the group leader; however, remaining in the group signifies your acceptance of these options.
    Should a group leader continually change these options in order to deceive group members, and this is documented on server via the /report command, a Customer Service Representative may arbitrate a loot dispute and disciplinary action may be taken against the group leader should the CSR determine a malicious intent.
  2. You must comply with arbitration for contested spawns.
    There are cases where two or more groups wish to kill the same NPC or hunt in the same area. In these cases, the groups are required to compromise.
    If an equitable compromise cannot be reached between the players prior to EverQuest II Customer Service Staff involvement, the EQII CSR will mandate a compromise. Any such compromise is final and not open to debate. Refusing to abide by these terms will be considered disruption and may result in disciplinary action.
    It is therefore strongly suggested that the groups make every attempt to reach a compromise that they can live with prior to involving an EQII CSR, who may mandate a compromise that does not suit you to the extent that a player-devised compromise would.
    Note: A "group" in this case is defined as a party of one or more characters that are united in a common belief or goal and are capable of completing that goal.
  3. Foul language is not permitted, in any language.
    Excessive use of foul language in an inappropriate context, including swear words, real-world racial slurs, and other language that is not consistent with the fantasy environment and designed to hurt, will be considered a disruption and will not be tolerated. The existence of the filter (/filter) is not a license to be profane.
  4. You may not harass others.
    Harassment is defined as specifically targeting another player or group of players to harm or inconvenience them. As harassment can take many forms, the EQII CSR involved will make a determination as to whether or not a "reasonable person" would feel harassed and act accordingly. If you feel you are being harassed by another player, please ask them to stop and utilize the /report command to document this. If the situation continues, please submit a Customer Service Ticket through our petition system.
  5. You may not disrupt the normal playability of a zone or area.
    Zone/Area Disruption is defined as any activity designed to harm or inconvenience a number of groups rather than a specific player or group of players. This includes, but is not limited to:
  • Monopolizing most or all of the kills in an area.
  • Deliberately locking groups of NPCs and then breaking the encounter to prevent access to content.
  • Refusing to cooperate with the other parties at a contested spawn site after having been instructed to do so by an EQII CSR.
  • Making excessive and inappropriate use of public channels of communications (/shout, /ooc, etc.).
  • Intentionally causing excessive zone latency (abusing spell effects, etc.).
  • Causing intentional experience loss to other players (deliberately impeding fleeing players by blocking their escape route, intentionally training NPCs on other players, etc.).
  • You may not defraud other players.
    Fraud is defined as falsely representing one's intentions to make a gain at another's expense. Examples of this activity include, but are not limited to, using deception to deprive another player of items or coin (by trade scamming or any other method), slandering another player or impersonating them with the intention of causing harm to that player's reputation, or falsely representing one's identity in order to gain access to another player's account or account information.
    Fraud in all transactions between players may result in disciplinary action when confirmed by an EQII CSR.
  • You may not abuse other players or Customer Service Representatives.

    The following actions would be considered abuse:
  • Hate Mongering - participation in or propagation of Hate literature, behavior, or propaganda related to real-world characteristics.
  • Sexual Abuse or Harassment - untoward and/or unwelcome advances of a graphic and sexual nature. This includes, but is not limited to, virtual rape, overt sexual overtures, and stalking of a sexual nature.
  • Attempting to Defraud a CS Representative - Petitioning with false information with the intent of receiving benefits as a result. This includes reporting bug deaths, experience or item loss, or accusing other players of wrongdoing without basis for it.
  • Impersonating a Customer Service Representative - falsely representing yourself to another player as a Guide or a Daybreak Game Company LLC employee.
  • CS Personnel Abuse - This includes, but is not limited to, sending excessive /petitions (as an individual or group), sending excessive /tells to a CS Representative, excessively using say or other channels to communicate to a CS Representative, making physical threats, or using abusive language against a CS Representative.
  • Implying Favoritism by EQ2CSRs - Stating that employees of Daybreak Game Company LLC or members of the Guide program will show favor towards one or more parties involved in any given situation. This includes, but is not limited to, using threats of retribution or inferring that you will not be held accountable for your actions due to special consideration.

    Note: This list is not all-inclusive. Other actions may be determined as abuse at the discretion of the EQII CSR, EQII Supervisors, or the EQII Customer Service Manager.
  • "Role-playing" does not grant license to violate these rules.

    Though EverQuest II is a Role-playing game, the claim of "Role-play" will not be accepted in defense of any of the anti-social behaviors mentioned above. We strongly encourage role-playing, but cannot allow it to be done at the expense of others.
  • You may not operate a guild that habitually violates these rules.
    Disciplinary issues involving guilds may be addressed with the entire guild. Guilds whose members habitually violate these rules may be issued guild warnings, and can even be permanently disbanded.

    Guild Leaders and/or officers may be held accountable for any actions of their guild members, in addition to any other actions that may be taken. It is therefore the responsibility of the guild leadership to ensure that all guild members abide by these rules.

Message Board Conduct

You may not post any material that:

  1. Attacks or insults others on the board. Feel free to debate the idea, but do not turn your disagreement into an attack upon the poster, or any person or group.
  2. Engages in name-calling, harassment, or threats. See above.
  3. Contains obscenity, vulgarity, or profanity. Though we do have a filter in place to catch the unintentional obscenity from time to time, this is not a license to abuse it. Bypassing the obscenity filter by using letter and number combinations to have the obscene or inappropriate word show up is unacceptable as well.
  4. Disparages any religion, race, nation, gender, or sexual orientation.
  5. Is considered inappropriate for children 13 and under as governed by general standards of decency in the United States.
  6. Infringes on anyone's privacy rights.
  7. Is off-topic for the forum.
  • Furthermore, you may not:
  • Make multiple posts on the same subject for the purpose of getting attention paid to your issue.
  • Post comments in threads for the purpose of drawing attention to another thread on a different subject.
  • Monopolize the front page of any forum by "bumping" threads of the same or similar content to the front. We may intervene by closing threads any time that this occurs.
  • Use the official forums as a staging-ground for creating general unrest within the game (e.g. sit-ins).
  • Use the official forums as a place to advertise the sale of EverQuest II characters or items in exchange for real-world money.
  • Advertise websites with content that violates these rules, the EverQuest II EULA, or The Station Terms of Service.
  • Advertise products or websites that are not related to EverQuest II or other Daybreak Game Company LLC products.
  • In addition, solicitation for guild membership will only be allowed in the specified forum.

All of these rules apply to the forums as well as to the private message system.

Action that we might take in regards to a post in violation of these rules on the Official EverQuest II Forums will vary depending upon the transgression. It could include any number of the following (in order of severity):

  • Editing of the post.
  • Deletion of the post/thread.
  • Closing of the thread.
  • A Warning that is attached to a player's account. Warnings are given for less severe message board infractions. Any player that receives three warnings for message board conduct will have their account banned.
  • Suspension (results in user being unable to play EverQuest II for the duration of the suspension. Any subsequent warnings after a suspension will result in banishment).
  • Banishment (results in the user's account being canceled. User will no longer be able to access EverQuest II or any Official EverQuest II Forum).
  • Legal Action (i.e. Contacting law enforcement personnel in regard to a threat.)

    People who violate the rules of the boards may or may not receive any warning before any action is taken. In the event that a warning is given, the warning will be recorded upon the game account and may result in further action should the player show a pattern of engaging in prohibited conduct. Philosophically and administratively, there is no difference between conduct in game and conduct on the Official EverQuest II Forums.

    Note: It would be difficult to specify what action would be taken for which infractions, as there are numerous types. Many are situational. Let common sense be your guide.

    Please note that these rules also apply for any type of communication to any Daybreak Game Company LLC employees. This includes email as well.